by gwcollins | Oct 14, 2023 | Communications, Emergency Response
CCS has been fortunate enough to have the State of Texas satellite contract through the Texas Dept. of Emergency Management (TDEM) for going on 8 years now. We currently have just over 100 mobile command centers here in the US and around the world that use our...
by kem2 | Oct 11, 2023 | Communications
The first recorded use of smoke signals can be traced back to ancient China. Fast forward to today, and communication technology is more efficient than ever. This is great for emergency communication in particular. During uncertainty and unexpected challenges, being...
by kem2 | Sep 6, 2023 | Communications
According to FEMA, 68% of American adults have taken action to prepare for some type of emergency. However, that still leaves 32% who will be caught unprepared. You may need to help them. The best way to do that is by having an efficient emergency...
by kem2 | Aug 7, 2023 | Communications
Did you know that the COVID-19 death toll between 2020 and 2021 is estimated at almost 15 million people? All kinds of disasters can strike at any moment. Mobile Operations Centers are crucial in disaster relief, military operations, and emergency response....
by kem2 | Jul 24, 2023 | Communications
According to PWC data, 75% of survey respondents said that their crisis response team utilized technology in their crisis management plan. This technology works even better when you have a mobile command center as your crisis management hub. But what does a...
by kem2 | Jun 18, 2023 | Communications
In an emergency, time is of the essence, and clear communication is crucial. But what if a big storm like a hurricane knocks out your regular communication system? This could cause a big communication problem for the emergency response team trying to help....