The dog days of summer are upon us here in Ft. Worth, TX with actual temps hitting 100 to 102 and heat indexes some days over 110 degrees! For those of us at CCS that grew up in Texas this is nothing new, but it still does not mean we enjoy it. Despite the heat, the CCS Production Team continues to move MERC mobile command centers out the door. The need for these MERCs (mobile emergency response centers) continues to rise with an active Hurricane Season forecasted and the need for medical response units. CCS recently completed five small MERCs for the Electronic Warfare Association (EWA) that will be used for deployment by the US Army. These small tactical units will be equipped with the latest in wireless and video technology along with a Cummins Onan 5kw diesel generator, 15 foot CCS mast, 21U IT rack, and an on-board HVAC system. All of these units were sprayed in a desert tan bedliner to provide a very military look to the units.

EWA MERC trailers waiting to be loaded for transport to Alabama.

A huge part of our focus in 2020 is to expand on the products and services that CCS provides. The use of technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in law enforcement and fire fighting continues to grow and evolve literally every day. Anything we can provide these brave First Responders to better do their jobs, protect their own lives, and protect the citizens they serve daily has always been our primary focus as a company. In the past the focus for CCS has been to provide the ability to communicate basically anywhere at anytime regardless of the local conditions. This has included satellite connectivity, LTE, Wifi, land mobile radios, video, local off air media, email, texting, GPS tracking, and even Direct TV and Dish network. Now this focus has grown beyond just providing the network connectivity, but also providing some of the AI in the background to help quickly analyze this information from the field and provide immediate feedback. This can include tapping into a License Plate Recognition or a facial recognition database to quickly alert officers to any potential threat from a vehicle or person registered as a known threat, streaming the live video feeds from a mobile command center camera, body camera, or mobile camera into a hosted video analytics system to quickly identify any hazards, quickly sharing and analyzing drone video feeds, monitoring social media for any threatening posts, analyzing video and audio feeds from robots, etc.. The better informed these First Responders are the better equipped they will be to make the right decisions in a crisis situation and respond in a the safest way possible for everyone involved. This same information can be fed to the First Responders in the field and to a Real Time Crime Center and PSAP.

MERC-UASC drone deployment trailer about to launch a small drone for a search and rescue operation.

CCS also recently completed a project for the Texas Rangers (law enforcement) where we renovated a very nice RV that they had confiscated as part of a drug seizure arrest and had us convert it to a mobile command center that provides their team a comfortable climate controlled work space to use when they are out on a deployment. As part of Texas DPS they have access to many of the DPS resources when they need them, but this provides them their own unit that they can keep and deploy as needed. This is a great example of how law enforcement is maximizing their use of tax dollars by taking a vehicle that was being used to transport drugs that would be sold illegally and using it for something good. CCS techs converted the inside of the unit over to support multiple work stations with radio dispatch capabilities, added a 50 foot most with video down-link capabilities and video surveillance cameras, added a new generator, added additional HVAC, a Pepwave HD4 LTe and WiFi router equipped for AT&T FirstNet, and several other nice additions.

Texas Ranger MERC Mobile Command Center still being renovated.

Much more on this new focus in the coming months as we start working on some new projects CCS was just awarded. Feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback at 972-772-2721 or