The IWCE show in Vegas this year was a great showcase for a lot of the new technology that is hitting the market in 2023. Comprehensive Communication Services was there in full force with our partners from IP Access International, JPS Interoperability, Fireco, Bearcom Wireless, and Zumro Air Shelters. We had a MERC-Lite small tactical mobile command center on display with an attached Zumro Air Shelter, our full line of Portable Emergency Response Centers (PERCs), the new portable Fireco air mast system, Kymeta satellite equipment, Dejero and Pepwave LTE routers, JPS radio interoperability solutions, Mutualink IWS system, and much more. For the first time in a long time we powered the MERC mobile command center completely off solar and hydrogen power thanks to our friends at Sesame Solar.

MERC mobile command center with solar/hydrogen power.

A big topic this year at the show is the roll out of the LEO and MEO satellite networks. Elon Musk got a jump on this with his new Star Link network, but there are other offers coming out later this year. These new satellite networks take a much lower oribital plane and by doing so allow better bandwidth speeds and better coverage including in-motion coverage. The coverage footprint for these new services will be able to reach every corner of the earth allow for network connectivty and internet access anyhwere in the world. This is one of the most important and revolutionary technology advances in the last 50 years and really will change how the world communicates and where people can live and work. If you virtual office this network connectivity will allow you to live anywhere in the world as long as you can make the time zone changes work for your schedule.

New Fireco portable mast system with a hand pump.

When considering these new satellite networks the customer needs to consider a few things: (1) Is this network a shared network or dedicated bandwidth (2) Can you get a static IP Address or is it all dynamic (3) How hard is it to get support (4) what is the monthly reoccuring cost and is this fixed or metered (based on your usage). These are the kind of questions that CCS helps our customers navigate when making a decision with these network choices. Part of our strategy is to bond these satellite networks with a local LTE network when possible to provide an even better connection.

CCS setup at IWCE Show.

Much more on these new sat networks in the coming months. Please contact us with any questions at 972-772-2721 or