Every year TX DPS deploys one of their Command Centers at several of the NASCAR races at TX Motor Speedway for added security. This past weekend they were deployed at the Auto Trader 500 race. This gave them the opportunity to utilize their new CCS Video Wall Board that CCS installed for them several months ago. Having 23 HD monitors that can show multiple video feeds makes it so much easier to keep an eye on all the video resources at your disposal!

This wall board was connected to their Mutualink IWS system, four different Dish Network receivers, multiple security camera video feeds, TX DPS helicopter video downlinks, off-air antenna for local tv stations, and multiple computers for CAD sharing, maps, etc.. Having the ability to see all of these video feeds in an HD format at the same time is a huge benefit for their situational awareness. CCS is under contract to install another video wall board at the State’s EOC later this month.